油街焦點 — 加里‧卡德之人山人海
在國際藝術及時尚界別炙手可熱的英國藝術家加里‧卡德(Gary Card)親身到訪香港作研究,並在城市及本地文化中尋找靈感,為展覽創作了一系列全新作品。擅長場景設計的Gary巧妙地把具百年歷史的油街倉庫轉化成當代多媒體藝術空間,運用動畫和音效引領觀眾進入沉浸式的視覺及感官體驗。他還在香港展示了他的首個巨型戶外雕塑,為油街草地帶來全新景觀。
'Oi! Spotlight' — People Mountain People Sea by Gary Card
British artist Gary Card, in high demand by the international art and fashion scene, visited Hong Kong for research, seeking inspiration from the city and local culture to create a series of new works for an exhibition. Skilled in set design, Gary cleverly transformed the century-old Oil Street Warehouse into a contemporary multimedia art space, using animation and sound effects to lead the audience into an immersive visual and sensory experience. He also showcased his first large outdoor sculpture in Hong Kong, bringing a new landscape to Oil Street Art Space.
得知藝術家加里‧卡德(Gary Card)的作品理念是將香港傳統文化元素融入其中,我們嘗試捕捉可能對藝術創作帶來重要靈感的城市景觀,捕捉傳統元素與當代藝術視野交融的珍貴時刻,同時記錄為油街的藝術空間所帶來的美感與活力。
Weaving through Hong Kong's urban canvas, our video aims to unveil the cultural essence that inspires Gary's distinctive artworks. We documented the city's dynamic spirit as it transforms from street scenes to interesting art pieces, capturing the moment where traditional elements merge with contemporary artistic vision.